Music Exam Achievements

Each year several of our students that are tutored at College sit for exams with the Australian Music Examination Board.  AMEB exams challenge students not only to perform repertoire on their instrument of choice, but also to demonstrate other important skills like sight reading, technical prowess, aural recognition and general knowledge. Exams provide clearly defined goal posts that are a powerful motivating force and performing in front of others helps to develop poise and confidence in students. The certificate students receive for completing their exam is a tangible reminder of a milestone achievement and a source of great pride. Musicians that prepare for exams gain skills in diligence, persistence and working through difficulties in order to achieve excellent results. 

Congratulations to the following students on their results this year.

Abigail R – Grade 2 Violin – B
Oscar Q – Grade 1  Violin – B+
Liona S – Grade 4 Violin – C+
Scarlett B – Grade 1 Violin – A
Jonathan B – Grade 2 Violin – A+
Elizabeth B – Grade 5 Violin – B
Daniel B – Grade 5 Cello – B+
Elizabeth S – Grade 3 Flute A+
Arjun N  - Grade 6 Flute - B
Brodie S – Grade 4 Rockschool Bass – B
Francesca Pasqua - Grade 2 Rockschool Vocals - Merit

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles