Last week, our Year 4 students went to an overnight camp for the first time.

This was a great opportunity for our students and they had lots of great things to say about their time:

“I learned how to conquer my fear of heights when I did rock climbing” – Stephen S

“It’s OK to take a risk sometimes” Selina K

“Bush walking at night helped me face my fear of darkness. I realised I was safe in a group” – Mitchell

“Going to camp is a good experience because you can be with your friends and learn different skills” – Bosko

“Water skirmish was a lot of mud filled fun” – Emily

“Camp helped us learn to be more responsible by packing our own suitcases and helping with meal times” Jack C

“Being away from home can start out kind of scary but it’s actually a lot of fun when you get used to it” – Elina W

"I liked how we played skirmish because we got really competitive and we had fun! I also liked eating the food at camp as it was yummy when I took 1 bite. My favourite was when I crafted an owl in a tree with natural materials." – Lara

"Camp was really fun but the mattress was kind of irritating and the zippers on the sleeping bag were annoying too. The food and activities were great!" – Aaron

"Camp was very muddy and fun. It was very calming. I loved H2O Skirmish the most!" – Jojo

"I think that camp was fun and I really enjoyed bushcraft. The food was delicious, I really enjoyed it. Some things weren’t as good as others but I still had a wonderful time!" – Paige

"At camp my favourite part was the H20 Skirmish. I liked it because there was a lot of movement and action. My second favourite activity was rock climbing". – Iden

"Camp was so fun. Before the night walk we looked at this amazing campfire. It was so nice and warm and smoky. The part I most hated was when your shoes got wet and muddy". – Inayah

"My first year 4 school camp was so fun and it was a great experience. One of my favourite parts of camp was doing all the activities like rock climbing, H2O skirmish, bush art and bush walking. Another of my favourite parts of camp was sleeping with my friends and eating meals with them. My last favourite part was meeting new friends and head leaders of camp. That’s why camp was the best experience of my life". – Savannah

"I loved the Bush Creations activity because we saw a koala up on a tree branch. It was covering its ears". – Aaron

"I loved all the activities but I’m looking forward to year 5 camp because we can go in the pool". – Amaniah

"I loved being able to play in the park for free time. We loved the pizza tray game". – Camilla


Year 4 camp