In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. - Proverbs 16:9

As we celebrate with the graduating Class of 2022 finishing their exams and moving on to their next chapter, we are reminded to not forget the Lord and the part he has played in being a lamp to their feet and a light to their paths. How wonderful it will be to hear all that God has in store for them as they tell us their stories at the upcoming formal!

It is exciting also to have the new Year 12’s step into their roles as leaders of our student community. I hope parents found the Parent Teacher night on Thursday valuable in partnering with teachers to assist the new Year 12’s as they begin their final year. It will be wonderful to share in the Dedication Service for Year 12 on Monday evening together; bringing the group before the Lord to ask for his protection and guidance over the year ahead.

Years  7 - 10 have been undertaking their final examinations for their courses and will have been put through their paces in each subject to determine what they have learned this year. This has been a significant milestone after the disruption to major examinations over the past two years and may well have been an adjustment for many of our students. The end-of-year reports will give you a strong sense of what they have achieved and what areas will need further attention. Year 10 will soon begin their second Work Experience opportunity. It is hoped that this will continue to give them insight into possible employment they wish to pursue post-school. It is hoped to spur them on to ensure they meet the qualifications that will be required.

All Year groups will continue to be engaged in meaningful learning for the duration of the school year, so please encourage your children to be following the advice Mr Whelan has been reinforcing regularly, to approach their learning by being: On Time, On Task, With Gratitude and Respect!