Year 12 students have successfully navigated their Trial HSC which finished on Monday and will soon begin receiving the crucial feedback from these tasks to assist in their final preparations for the HSC.

It will be the culmination of a 13 year journey for them and they continue to be in our prayers. At the same time as they are studying, many of them are completing their major works for submission and marking. I really enjoyed viewing the Industrial Technology Timber major works that the class completed this week. I commend them on their dedication and the expertise these Timber projects showcased. Special thanks also to Mr Phelps for assisting and guiding the class in the process. Other Year 12 classes have submitted major works and will continue to do so over the next few weeks. Ms Munro will provide some more detail in this regard, but can I encourage families of Year 11 and 12 to come to our College event Illuminate, Thursday 25 August, where the Graduating class of 2022 major works will be displayed and performed.

Years 7 – 11 enjoyed some camp activities last week and I trust you enjoy reading about their experiences in the articles to come. College camps are a great way to learn new skills in differing contexts, get to know peers and teachers outside of the classroom and also consider the gospel truths anew as they are unpacked in a new environment.

I hope the families of Junior School students enjoyed connecting with class teachers at the recent Parent Teacher Interviews and that these provided a wealth of information to discuss with your children about their learning journey. Did you get a chance to attend the Junior School ensembles evening and hear some wonderful performances from our young musicians? We are so blessed to have such talented and enthusiastic young people contribute to our band and ensemble groups. The music staff that leads these groups are also highly skilled at nurturing the talent of this next generation of musicians. Did you happen to see our very own Mr Byron Mark on Sunrise this week? Mr Mark is releasing his own music this year and is a specialist in the World Music genre. Congratulations to him on his achievements this year!

I hope you have been enjoying the photos and reports coming through about the fantastic incursions and excursions that are once again up and running after years of disruption. The international cooking our language students got to take part in was a particular favourite!

I enjoyed the student-led Senior School Chapel on Wednesday this week where the parable of the Prodigal son was featured. It is so important for our students to hear the message of the undeserved grace shown to the returning son which in the same way our Lord welcomes the lost into his kingdom. Thanks to the Chapel team and Rev Oliver for unpacking the important messages in this parable.

Lots of exciting opportunities are coming up soon with Year 6 students headed out on camp, with the Year 10 and 11 music classes performing at a Suite and Songs evening and Year 11 students preparing for their final examinations before they become Year 12 students in Term 4.

I hope to see you at the College soon at one of our fabulous events or maybe at the Parent Café on a Friday morning for a coffee and a chat. My thanks to the Parent Community Network for their hosting of the different year group gatherings at the Parent Café. It is such a great way to connect with other families and I encourage you to become a part of this network.