Thomas Hassall Debating Workshop
To foster interest and skill development within our students in Years 7-10, the English Faculty held a Debating Workshop on Wednesday. Our guest coaches from Inner West Debating worked with both our beginning and more experienced debaters to develop their skills. With 21 students in attendance, I was impressed with the effort and enthusiasm with which our students took hold of this opportunity.

It was a really fun experience as I got to do a debate with people I didn’t know. It was just fun debating as a team and meeting new people. ~ Alicia

I loved all the tips Georgia (coach) gave us! I also liked having a debate against each other using the new tips we learnt. ~ Antonia

The workshop was quite informative. Overall, it was a great experience. ~ Rhyna

MISA Debating
The MISA Year 7 and 8 Debating Competition has commenced, with Round One held on Tuesday of this week. This competition will continue throughout Terms 3 and 4 during Sport.

MISA Year 9 Youth of the Year
This is a fantastic public speaking opportunity for two Year 9 students to compete in our district. It has a focus on current affairs. Any Year 9 students wanting to participate in this competition should notify Mrs Rodriguez by Monday 8 August (Week 4), as we will be finalising our nominations

MISA Year 10 Public Speaking Competition
This competition is also an excellent public speaking opportunity for two Year 10 students to compete in our district. Any other Year 10 students wanting to participate in this competition should notify Mrs Rodriguez by Monday 8 August (Week 4), as we will be finalising our nominations.

Call out for adjudicators!
We would welcome adjudicators from our alumni or parent community to be involved in our growing debating program at Thomas Hassall. Please email Mrs Rodriguez if you are interested in adjudicating or coaching.


Roslyn Rodriguez
Secondary Teacher - English