The College uniform brings us together as a team and a community

The College uniform distinguishes our students from other schools and builds a sense of belonging at Thomas Hassall.

Next week we will be talking about unity and how the uniform brings us together as a team and community. Also, wearing the uniform is important for safety reasons, demonstrating respect for expectations and keeping the focus on learning. The students will be playing ‘spot the difference’ as a fun way to engage with the uniform expectations at College and to wear the uniform with pride. I’ve included one below – can you spot the differences?!

Spot the difference

See the main uniform expectations below for Junior School students:
- Black shoes with laces (or buckles P-2) done up
- Hat on when outside
- Earrings are plain stud or sleeper pairs only
- Jewellery is not to be worn with the College uniform.
- Hairstyles – plain, respectable, tidy, one natural colour and not groomed in an extreme or exaggerated fashion (for example no extreme undercuts or hair that is restricting one’s vision).
- Hair accessories should be red for girls in P-6. No other hair accessories are permitted.
- To wear in full the correct summer, winter or sports uniform

You can find the uniforms required on our website and also in the Parent and Student Handbook.

Junior Boys

Junior Boys

Junior Girls

Junior Girls

Thank you to our families for partnering with us to ensure students are following the uniform guidelines. Let's continue to work together to build a sense of community and belonging.