Upcoming activities in the Library
Anime and Manga Club – Week 2, Tuesday lunchtime in N2
Page Turners Book Club – Week 2, Wednesday lunchtime in N2
Premiers Reading Challenge
Only four weeks remain to complete the Premiers Reading Challenge for 2022. Students will need to have read 20 books (15 PRC books and 5 of own choice) by Friday 19th August. Premiers Reading Challenge books in the Senior Library can be identified by the red sticker found on the book’s spine. To be entered in the competition students need to return to Library staff a signed parental permission form along with a completed book list. All completed entries will go into the draw for a $50 JB HI FI gift card!
Overdue notices
Library overdue notices will be emailed next week. Students who do not return their books after receiving their third email notice as well as an email to their parents will be invoiced for a replacement copy. All invoices will still stand if books are returned after this final date. If you have any problems or questions regarding overdue books please speak to Mrs Comiskey or Mr Smith who will be happy to help.
Book Bites
Take a book bite to see if it is to your taste
‘Hover Car Racer’ – Matthew Reilly
‘Meet Jason Chaser, hover car racer. He's won himself a place at the International Race School, where racers either make it on to the Pro Circuit - or they crash and burn. But he's an outsider. He's younger than the other racers. His car, the Argonaut, is older. And on top of that, someone doesn't want him to succeed at the School and will do anything to stop him. Now Jason Chaser isn't just fighting for his place on the starting line, he's racing for his life’
‘Hover Car Racer’ written by Australian author Matthew Reilly is an intense, exciting, fast paced adventure story that will have readers gripped from the very first page. Set in near future, the story follows young protagonist Jason Chaser as he battles against the odds to win glory in the hover car racing tournament, the world’s most elite and deadly sporting competition. Fun and engaging, Matthew Reilly’s wonderfully descriptive language will have readers feeling like they are racing right along with Jason himself. Filled with lots exciting action, tension and suspense this is a great novel that many will enjoy.
‘The Shrinking Man’ – Richard Matheson
‘While on holiday, Scott Carey is exposed to a cloud of radioactive spray shortly after he accidentally ingests insecticide. The radioactivity acts as a catalyst for the bug spray, causing his body to shrink at a rate of approximately 1/7 of an inch per day. A few weeks later, Carey can no longer deny the truth: not only is he losing weight, he is also shorter than he was and deduces, to his dismay, that his body will continue to shrink. At first Carey tries to continue some kind of normal life. Later, having left human contact behind, he must survive in a world where insects and spiders are giant enemies. And even that is only a stage on his ultimate journey into the unknown.’
Author Richard Matheson is well known for writing many classic science fiction and horror stories, and one of his most famous novels is ‘The Shrinking Man.’ Intense, thrilling and suspenseful, the story has a terrifying premise of a man quite literally descending into a world of the unknown where dangers lurk around every corner. Everyday objects become towering skyscrapers and the smallest insects suddenly become deadly monsters. Main protagonist Scott Careys whole world changes day by day and how he faces and overcomes each new challenge will have readers hooked. The story is a unique and fascinating take on the old story of survival, and is a must read for all readers who enjoy science fiction.
Mrs Annette Comiskey & Mr Michael Smith
Senior IRC Library Team