After two years of Covid restrictions, we finally have the opportunity to host a Senior Music Camp in the beautiful Blue Mountains. It is an initiative that allows students to extend their music learning in a new and fun environment. Students will have the opportunity to learn new repertoire and participate in different collaborations that will develop their music maturity and confidence. There are also a number of fun activities planned for students to provide some social time with friends, allowing for a well-balanced experience between music and recreation. A parent concert will be held at the end of the camp showcasing the students newly learnt music and skills gained over the weekend.
All Senior students that are involved in ensembles are invited to enroll in the camp. More information can be provided by emailing and the permission forms can be completed using the following link online camp form. All forms need to be completed by Thursday 2 June.
We look forward to running this long anticipated camp and providing students with this learning opportunity.
Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles