On Monday 9th May Senior School students attended Campbelltown Athletics Stadium to compete in the annual Thomas Hassall Athletics Championships. The wet weather attempted to ruin the day, however a massive well done and congratulations to all students who braved the weather, had a go, ran, jumped and threw there way to success. It was such a pleasure to witness all the students and staff come together in a show of community, so once I again I want to thank all the students, staff and parents who attended and/or assisted on the day.

The overall points score from the carnival was as follows:

  • Wilberforce   1892.50
  • Carmichael   1603.75
  • Lewis            1488.00
  • Liddell           1205.75

Congratulations to Wilberforce on being crowned the 2022 Athletics Champions! Students who have been selected to NASSA will be informed in the next week or so.

In conclusion, please see below some important upcoming dates:

  • NASSA Country: 26th May
  • NASSA Senior Volleyball: 3rd June
  • NASSA Athletics: 9th June

In addition to these dates, I encourage all students and parents to regularly check the AICES and CIS websites for any sporting opportunities that may be of interest. Lastly, a reminder all MISA athletes are expected to be prepared each week for their game. The draw and information can be found on Canvas Sport, or by contacting your respective team coach/manager.

Yours in Sport,

Mr. Dean Zaccaria

Senior School Sports Coordinator