On Wednesday, we held ANZAC day commemoration services for P-2 and 3-6.

It was a special time of remembrance for the students and a dedicated day of reflection. They were hosted by our Junior School Prefects – we thank them for their leadership and service.

We heard from our guest speaker Ms Bree Till who shared with the students about what Anzac Day means to her as a war widow and mother of four children. She spoke to us about finding creative ways to connect with one another in the areas of respect and remembrance. The students sang the National Anthem, participated in a minutes silence and saying “Lest we forget”, appreciated the poem “In Flanders fields’ (1915) by John McCrae, spent time in prayer and listened to Thomas Hassall College students, Stratos D and Tamara A play the Last Post live in the service.

Also, throughout the day classes placed poppies in dedicated Gardens of Remembrance at College and some photos are below. I was with Year 4 and joined their reflection time, slowing down and solemnly recognising the service of many men and women to our country both now and in years gone past.

Anzac Day

Some further resources are available using this link from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs if you would like to explore Anzac Day further as a family.

We are looking forward to engaging with our families at our upcoming events such as the Musical and Mother's Day Breakfast. There will also be an InitiaLit Training Parent Information Evening 4-5pm on Tuesday 17 May. More details will be communicated with you closer to the date. Students in Year 1 have been undertaking InitiaLit since the beginning of the year. You can read about this later in The Way.

We look forward to the Term ahead!