The NSW CIS Primary Boys Football Championships were held at Valentine Sportspark on Thursday 31 March. 

The College had 8 boys represent us on the day.  Seven boys played for NASSA and we had one boy invited to play in the Barbarians team.  

The day started off well and the NASSA boys had a tight game against eventual winners ASISSA.  As the day progressed, the rain emerged, and the boys played in quite wet and cold conditions.

Coach Sonny and I were very proud of our the performance of our boys.  Our College representatives:  Johnny C, Ian C, Terry G, Orlando M, Danijel R, Lorenzo V, Isaiah W, Ryder W

Congratulations to Ryder W who progressed to the final stage and was successful in being selected in the NSW CIS Boys Football team which will play at the NSW PSSA Championships in Griffith in August.

Mrs S Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator