While the COVID conditions have been a challenge, our young people are showing a positivity and enthusiasm in their manner and effort. 

While conditions remain as they are at least until Friday 25 February, it is clear that life is returning to normal and we are all happy about that. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Traffic plans have been sent to you this week and included in this edition of The Way for your consideration. The changes begin next Monday 21 February. 

Year 12 students are making every effort at this point of the year. After such disruption through 2021, we know there is work to do to be operating at full pace. Thank you to our Year 11 and 12 teachers in assisting students towards the best outcomes.

It was a joy to have the High Achievers’ Assembly this week to celebrate the best HSC performances. Mr Butler writes about the day in his article and photos are included in this edition also. Year 12 2021 students have begun the next pathways and we look forward to stories of their continued success. 

On Saturday 26 March we will hold the Open Day for all those families looking at the College for their children. Please pass the invitation to your friends and family. More information is included in this edition.

Please contact Reception if there are any issues for your children and family.  Thanks again for your support. Please take care. 

‘For we do not have a high priest (Jesus) who is unable to empathise with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are – yet He did not sin.’ Hebrews 4:15