Psalm 23 –'The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.'

We met with Year 12 yesterday with excitement about their imminent return to College on Monday and I shared with them how Psalm 23 had impacted me as a young person. I read a book called ‘I am David’ perhaps for fairly obvious reasons and it contained the words of Psalm 23 in it regularly. The central character David, prayed to the Lord who would lead him to green pastures and quiet waters while he was being held captive in a prison camp during the war and planning a daring escape.

Whilst the plight of our Year 12s has not been nearly as grim as the experiences of David, there is something to be gained from looking forward to better times in green pastures and beside quiet waters under the shepherding of the Lord. They have been on a journey that has been much longer than expected and has had several bumps in the road that have impeded their progress.

It has been nice to look forward with them to graduation ceremonies, formals and well-earned holidays which may actually be able to be experienced after the HSC. I know that Year 12 teachers are eager to once again teach them face to face, before their last few weeks of preparations for the Higher School Certificate.

Will you please continue to have the Graduating Class of 2021 in your prayers as they navigate this final chapter of their schooling.