I am not sure how the Growth Challenge Day was taken up in your household, but I understand that it was received with varying degrees of enthusiasm.

It is hard to see through to the end of this current season, but as we walk and exercise in our various neighbourhoods, we see signs of new life poking out of every corner of even the most barren landscapes. There is something about LIFE that is irrepressible; that’s right you can’t hold back something that has been ordained to grow and flourish. It is officially SPRING and with that comes a flourishing display of colour and life that makes me so grateful and thankful to be ALIVE.

In the same way we will see people (including our young people) springing back into life and although there may have been a season that appears barren, it is at these times that amazing transformations take place. The words of the prophet Isaiah come to mind at this time:

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19


Spring Flowers

I wonder if you can go into this next season with an expectation that something good has happened for you and your family? Take a little time to look around and find the HOPE and JOY in the midst of what has been a most challenging time. My prayer is that the Growth Challenge Day, or indeed every day, is an opportunity to embrace one another and be grateful for our lives, for our families and for the season ahead….. Have a great weekend!