As we move to the next phase of this long marathon event – this COVID pandemic lockdown marathon – it is time to refine the routines, the daily agenda, and the family plan to not just maintain and survive, but also to thrive in a different context.

I’m preparing for a longer event – at home and at the College. What about you?

I’m finding time to set aside, to complete some home maintenance projects. I’ve reached into the bookshelves and dusted off some of those novels that I had planned to read ‘one day’. I’m devising ways to turn off the screens to have a conversation with the family around an event – a meal or a board game or a group call to a relative we haven’t seen for a while. At the College, I’ve Zoomed with others to look at our planning and we are refining for a longer lockdown with more events and community engagement. We are looking at new ways to relate to our community at home.  We will be in lockdown for a while – at least until the end of the Term if the positive COVID case numbers stay high.

What about you and the family? How are the routines changing? How is the mood at home changing? What are the new opportunities that are emerging?

Year 12 students are starting their Trial HSC on Monday in a very innovative online event that will last for 10 school days. They have been practicing their home technology set-up with teachers to work out the potential glitches, and a lot of work has been put into the plan. If successful, it will be an exciting project of learning, hopefully building confidence about the learning that has taken place across the whole year.  Let me commend the Year 12 students and staff for their energy and commitment to their program in a very different context. A small group of senior staff deserve special thanks.  They have produced this outstanding package in a very short time in order to bring the best support to our senior year of students.

I’m looking forward to the next MRK Recipe too. Thanks everyone for your optimism and support. Now, where is that book again ….

‘In his great mercy, he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead’.  1 Peter 1:3