It was great to have conversations with parents about students on Thursday.

Parent Teacher interviews offer both parent and teachers the opportunity to share positive stories about the students at our College, and to plan ways to support progress throughout the year.  Thanks for all who participated online.

Easter Events

Term 1 concludes next Thursday (1 April). As we move into Easter time, it is a period of reflection on the wonderful gift God gave to humankind through His Son. All the students will be attending an Easter service led by Mr Richards and JAM leaders.

On Tuesday 30 March, please join us from 10.00-11.30am to watch the Prep (Red & Purple)-Year 5 students in the Easter Hat Parade. Students are able to go home after the parade. Prep Blue and Prep White will be able to have their Easter Hat Parade on Wednesday 31st March.

Year 6 students will be hosting their Eggshibition on Tuesday in the Junior School Library. This is their chance to design an egg-themed masterpiece for our enjoyment.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Ms Lisa Hansford
Director of Teaching and Learning P-6