APP Primary Girls and Boys Football teams compete in the NASSA Gala Day 

On Tuesday 9 March, the Boys and Girls APP Football teams travelled to Blacktown to participate in the NASSA Football Gala Day.

In hot condiitons, the teams played 7 matches against the NASSA schools and displayed fantastic sportsmanship and teamwork throughout the day.  The coaching staff were impressed with both teams efforts and improvement throughout the day.

A huge congratulations to Ella W, who was selected to represent NASSA at the NSW CIS trials on Monday 15 March.

Six of our boys were also successful in selection into the NASSA team to play at the NSW CIS Primary Boys Football Gala on Friday 23 April.

Congratulations to: Ryder W, Danjiel R, Daniel B, Lorenzo V, Leon M and Orlando M.

We wish all our representatives the best as they attend trials for State selection.

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator