Library opening hours and borrowing guidelines
The Senior IRC is open from 7:15am to 3:00pm Monday to Friday.
The IRC is open at lunchtime and recess every day.
Students in Years 7 to 11 can borrow up to two fiction and two non-fiction resources at one time. Each resource has a loan time limit of two weeks.
Students can renew loans after these two weeks if required. Resources can also be reserved. 
Students who don’t return their loans with the time period will receive an overdue notice. 

Chaos in the Library’s space time continuum! – Term 1 Competition
Something terrible has happened! The Senior Library’s omega energy source has been split into five separate segments. These segments have hidden themselves inside five different books in the Library. Not sure what to do, the Librarians called on the only being in the universe able to help…a 900-year-old Time Lord! 
The Doctor has come up with a solution but she needs help from the students of Thomas Hassall. Only by borrowing one of these five unknown books will the segments of omega energy be released. However, time is not on the side of the Senior Library. If any of the segments haven’t been released by the end of Term 1, the Senior Library will transform back into its original particle state and vanish forever!
Help the Doctor! Help save the Senior Library! Mrs Comiskey and Mr Smith are relying on you!
Great prizes to be won for each student won borrows one of the five hidden books. For more information please speak to Mr Smith.

Library loans of 2020
Students in Years 8 to 11 who still have library books from 2020 need to return them to the IRC as soon as possible. Students who do not return their books will receive an invoice for a replacement copy. Please speak to Mrs Comiskey or Mr Smith if you require a printed list of your loans.

Anime in the IRC
Anime has arrived in the IRC! The IRC will be showing Japanese anime movies up on the big screen during lunchtime on Tuesdays. The first movie being shown is ‘Spirited Away’ directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The movie will be shown over consequent Tuesdays till finished.  Many more great anime movies are planned for 2021. Please speak to Mrs Comiskey for more information.

IRC on Canvas
The Senior IRC’s canvas page is the place to be for all Library information. As well as providing information on the latest Library news and competitions, students will also have access to HSC and career resources, Year 11 and 12 subject guides, recommended reading pages, a library catalogue guide as well as help with the Dewey Decimal System. Research hints and tips, footnoting and bibliography help guides are also available. Lots of great resources are to be found on the IRC Canvas page!
For more information please speak to Mr Smith.

What’s new on the shelf?
‘Are you brave enough to read one of the scariest Dr Who stories ever written?’
Fear of the Dark – Trevor Baxendale
“In the year 2382 archaeologists land on Akoshemon's only moon, searching for evidence of the planet's infamous past. But when the Doctor, Tegan and Nyssa are drawn into the lunar caverns they find more than a team of academics -- and help uncover much more than ancient history. Something is lying in wait, deep inside the labyrinth of caves: something that remembers the spiral of war, pestilence and deprivation that ruined Akoshemon. Something that rejoiced in every kind of horror and destruction. An age-old terror is about to be reborn. But what is the hideous secret of the Bloodhunter? And why does Nyssa feel that her thoughts are no longer her own? Forced to confront his own worst fears, even the Doctor will be pushed to breaking point -- and beyond.”
‘Fear of the Dark’ written by Trevor Baxendale is a wonderfully written claustrophobic and atmospheric SCI-FI/Horror story that will have readers hooked. Featuring the Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison) and his companions, the author has done a terrific job bringing these television characters to life on the page, each sounding and acting like they would have if this had been a television episode. Dark, spooky and thrilling, this novel features a couple of terrifying monsters that are both unique and terrifying in equal measure. Readers who enjoy darker more intense stories are bound to love this book, the story’s high quality and faithfulness to the source material will also definitely please Doctor Who fans. This novel would be most suitable for students in Year 8 and above. 
Librarians final health warning: Make sure you don’t read this in the dark!

Mrs Annette Comiskey & Mr Michael Smith
Senior IRC Library Team