On the morning of Tuesday 10 November our Year 10 cohort were treated to an excellent taste of work experience that introduced them to how to become work ready. 

Renowned presenter Nikki Heald from Corps Training gave the keynote address looking at how to prepare for the work place and how to control aspects like social media to maximize our chances of getting work.  

After this, small groups were formed to discuss actual work place challenge scenarios and many moral and practical questions were considered and solved.  It was good to see Year 10 students realise that issues are not always black and white and that careful consideration needs to be given to workmates, rules and the importance of preserving future relationships. 

All students were challenged to consider the importance of clear communication and cultivating honest reliable commitment to learn how to be a good worker. Soft skills of productive relationships and ability to listen well and persevere through learning phases were clarified.

After this, students broke up into seven electives that considered the nature of work in the areas of: Engineering and science, Hospitality, Carpentry and Trades, Business, Entertainment, Law and Health. A combination of outside presenters from ACBC in Liverpool and the University of Wollongong as well as our own staff ran creative workshops that covered some crucial skills.

Students have a workbook in which to record their reflections and if they are conscientious about this, they will be awarded a certificate of attainment for work readiness training after their PC teachers have checked their commitment to putting all these lessons into perspective.

So, although Covid restrictions have disrupted our usual work experience programs, our students have had some experience and will have some documentation to use in future interview situations. 

Mr Jim Ward
Careers Advisor