Operation Christmas Child

Over the holidays many students from the Junior School have been busy shopping to fill their Operation Christmas Child (OCC) box to give to children in need all over the world.

It has been so exciting to see so many students bringing in boxes. I would like to say a huge thank you for supporting your child as they give to those in need.

Just a reminder that next Friday, the 23rd of October, is the final day to hand in the OCC boxes. From there they will be collected and distributed around the world to Children in need. As you fill these boxes it is also important to carefully follow the instructions on the pamphlet provided as there are many items that cannot be sent overseas.

Thank you again for your partnership. Continue to pray as these boxes are sent out to people in need, that they will not only receive the box for Christmas but they will also hear the good news of Jesus, that is the greatest gift anyone could receive.