The last 6 months has certainly been an adventure and the 20th year Anniversary for the College is memorable for our community – for other events and reasons isn’t it?

In the last week and as a result of the South West virus clusters at the Crossroads and the Thai Rock Café, four of the local schools needed to close – two for 14 days and two for 2 days.  They are all back to regular programs by next Monday.

Our COVID Action Team went into action and we have developed a detailed plan should we need to move into emergency mode.  These days, NSW Health take control of the key communication with schools and affected families and then close contacts.  Again, let me commend the work of NSW Health and other authorities who have enabled a level of confidence and calm in NSW.  Essentially our plan is to immediately lock down; and then to move to a student pick up plan using the afternoon plan except for a need to not use buses.  Rather, children would need to be picked up by car.

As you might imagine, there is every wish to remain in our regular programs.  The South West clusters appear to have slowed down which is good news.  My recommendation to every family is that all students should be back at College now.  If there are any particular concerns for your child, you will need to be in discussion with the relevant teacher on staff.

In the meantime, temperature testing now occurs for every student every day; every staff member every day; and our health guidelines are being constantly maintained. 

Just a reminder that if a family member needs to take a COVID test, please do not send children to College until a negative result is confirmed.

Communication of the correct information is always important and the College App is another very effective way to receive the latest information. 

Year 12 students are in the middle of their trial HSC Examinations and as you might imagine, 2020 continues to be a ‘testing’ time for them.  Please remember them in your prayers.  We have an outstanding group of young adults in Year 12 this year.

Thanks again for your patience and support.  Please feel free to ask questions of our programs and practices.

Because Jesus lives forever, He has a permanent priesthood. Therefore He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them.' Hebrew 7:24-25