With HSC Trials currently underway and the fact that we have seen some local schools having to close for a time, due to COVID19, I continue to be grateful for the relative security of knowing we can continue to function with students on site.

Because of the recent situation we have had to pause on all representative sport competitions and external excursions, including things like the: Dukes Program, CIS Cup, Gala Days and Debating etc. These changes to our plans have been disappointing for all parties, but they have been part of the overall strategy aimed at minimizing risk and ensuring we are doing all we can to keep the community safe.  Nevertheless, despite the current challenges, we are being proactive in how we are managing life.

We are about to begin a Year 7 to 11 House Competition in selected sport for all students.  We have already seen Years 7 & 8 successfully engage in House Sport across this year.  Every student has been part of the team, and every student has contributed to the final outcome, gathering new skills along the way. We are just about to announce some lunchtime competitions called the ‘Year of Origin’. This competition will allow the best of each Year Group to play off against another Year Group in a given sport. This gives opportunity for students, normally involved in competitive pathways, to extend their skills and provide a positive outlet for our keen sportspersons.

There is an understandable concern around the status and format of the Year 12 Graduation and Year 10 and 12 Formals. We have been developing a plan for each one of these events but the current realities have dictated that we have a Plan A and a Plan B with flexibility to adapt as circumstances change.

For the most part I am very proud of our student community and the way that they have just got on with the job regardless of what has been put in front of them.  Every generation will have their own challenges.  It is good to know that in all of the different ups and downs there is a consistency that we can hold onto and draw strength from and that comes from the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible reminds us that, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8) and so despite the circumstances we can rely on Him for our future.