All the Prep teachers and children have thoroughly enjoyed being back in the classroom.

It has been a special time to see the children re-unite with their friends and appreciate the various class-based opportunities to continue their learning journey.

Since being back, the children have had fun exploring their play centres including the home corners, construction zones and craft tables. During these times, they have continued to develop their social skills such as learning how to communicate with their peers, take turns, compromise and play imaginative games.

Throughout the day, the children have had fun learning about their names, letters and sounds. It is certainly a memorable moment when a child is able to recognise their name for the first time. It is a memorable moment when a child learns to hold a pencil correctly for the first time. It is a memorable moment when a child learns to form the letters in their name for the first time. All these milestones slowly pave the way to a successful transition into Kindergarten next year.

We have lots of fun investigating colours, shapes and numbers. Who knew it could be so exciting to make numbers out of playdough or paint, use virtual dice to count how many altogether or build short and long towers out of LEGO, beads or cars! We all look forward to singing and dancing along to number songs, especially when they involve the robot dance, slow motion movements or instruments.

As the children continue to learn how to be independent, the teachers are continually impressed at how far the children have come since the beginning of the College year. It is a significant moment when a child takes their jumper off by themselves for the first time. It is a significant moment when a child finds and puts on their paint shirt by themselves for the first time. It is a significant moment when a child attempts a new, and possibly challenging task for the first time with an enthusiastic and positive attitude, regardless of the outcome. These children are well on their learning journey at the College.

Learning in Prep is fun!

Mrs Elise Hona
Prep Blue