What a ride I have experienced in my first semester at Thomas Hassall Anglican College.

As Director of Teaching and Learning in the Junior School, it certainly has been a dynamic journey as we have considered best instruction whether online or in the classroom for the students in our care.

Now we come to the end of Semester One, it is time for the teachers to reflect on the students in their classes, report to families about the progress that has been made and discover the ways forward as we approach Semester Two.

This year, due to the many adjustments that we have all had to make to our lives, including online learning, the Junior School reports will look a little different this semester. We will be reporting on the learning that has taken place so far this year, both at home and at College, by using a 3-point grading system – Approaching Grade Level, Working at Grade Level, and Working above Grade Level. We will also include comments indicating each student’s progress and achievements, as well as suggesting areas for improvement and practice.

As always, the most important issue is how we can all work together to support each child develop to their full potential. Our Semester One report is one part of this process.

I look forward to meeting many of you as we continue the College year.

Ms Lisa Hansford
Director of Teaching and Learning - Junior School