As I commence the year as the new Deputy Principal and Head of Junior School I take this opportunity to thank the College community for such a warm welcome as I return in this new role.
We wish to connect with all College families and partner with you throughout the year. Our ‘Meet the Teacher’ event on Tuesday 11th February was an excellent connection point for you to get to know your child’s teacher, the classroom routines and environment. Thanks to everyone who attended!
New beginnings are an excellent opportunity to reflect on what you wish your child to achieve in the year 2020. The key is to set up routines that will set you up to succeed. You could try one of the following:
- Positivity routine: On the travel home share 2 positive moments or stories from the day. You can model the way by sharing first.
- Book worm routine: Ask your child to set a time they would like to read each day. Remind them, create a comfy environment and why not read a book too?!
- Active routine: Create a new route home and stop off at a local park or place your child to enjoy the fresh air and nature while you relax, rejuvenate. With a coffee is even better!
- Music routine: Ask your child if they would like to try a new instrument. The College have private tutoring available. I myself play 4 instruments. Come and ask me how it enriches my daily life.
We have had some staff changes to the Junior School Team this year and it is wonderful to welcome the following staff:
- Lisa Hansford – Director of Teaching and Learning P-6
- Sean Walker – Classroom Teacher
- Layla Broadstock – Classroom Teacher
- Melissa Knight – Classroom Teacher
- Matthew Richards – Junior School Chaplain
My Junior Staff are excited to partner with you as your children blossom in learning, wisdom and service throughout 2020.