In week 2 of Term 1, Year 7 students travelled by bus to the beautiful campsite, Deer Park and Caldecott, located in the Royal National Park. We were greeted by an enthusiastic leadership team who warmly welcomed us and organised us into our activity groups.

Over the two and a half days, Year 7 students participated a wide variety of activities that were aimed to stretch them out of their comfort zones, promote collaboration and teamwork, as well as foster new friendships. Each morning, the Youthworks Team opened God’s word and looked at the theme of “Who is God and who am I?”. The leaders then spent time with each small group to discuss what they had heard and learnt.

We were blessed with fantastic weather, delicious food, comfortable cabins and lots of fun during our day time activities, our free time and evening activities. One of the highlights was our trivia night, where each pastoral care group had a nursery rhyme sing-off. Their enthusiasm and participation was 10/10. Congratulations to Carmichael 2 who were our first every trivia champions for the year 7 2020 cohort.

Mr Roper and I would like to thank the talented and capable team leaders from Youthworks as well as your son’s and daughter’s pastoral care teachers.

Mrs Helen Bull

Year 7 Advisor