Applying for school travel passes has never been easier thanks to a partnership the College has with Transport for NSW.
The online application process has been simplified so new or updated applications for school travel passes are only needed when a student is:
- Applying for school travel pass for the first time
- Requesting an additional pass as a result of a new shared parental responsibility situation
- Changing school or campus
- Changing home address
- Receiving an expiry notification
- Repeating a school year
- Changing their name
- Requesting a new transport operator
This means students who are progressing to Year 3 and 7 only need to reapply if they are changing circumstances.
Students who are not residents and are temporarily in Australia can provide their Visa subclass number when applying online, making the approval process much faster.
Apply today HERE. If you don't have internet access, call 131 500.
*Please note, do not throw out Opal cards - they are reusable.