I shared a true story with the students last week about an American Pastor named Vernal Simms. Vernal grew up in Boston in the equivalent of a housing commission area in a family of 9 children. He worked hard at school and desired to go to college but had no idea how he would pay for it as his family had no money. His mother would say to him, “Pray, and the Lord will make a way somehow”.  Vernal felt called to go to college and then seminary so he took a leap of faith and enrolled in college and turned up with no money hoping God would find a way. An heir to a corporate fortune heard of his plight and paid for his college and seminary education!! An amazing answer to prayer. After he graduated, he sought out his benefactor to thank him and to ask what he could do to pay him back. The man responded with a simple, “Help somebody”.

The benefactor had understood that it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). He had discovered that there is joy in giving of yourself and helping someone expecting nothing in return. As we quickly come towards the Christmas season, it is a timely reminder that there are many people that need help within our close circle of friends and family and in our wider communities. We want students at Thomas Hassall to not only understand and appreciate the truth in the joy of giving but to learn to live it on a daily basis. I encourage parents to embolden their children to be outward looking over the Christmas season and to help people and be kind to them to reinforce this spirit of generosity so it becomes a habit.

Years 7-10 Final Reports 2019

It is the time of the year where the teachers are working hard marking examinations and then working towards the completion of the Final Reports for 2019. We are taking this opportunity to trial emailing the Years 7-10 Final Reports to all parents rather than sending home a printed copy of the report. This gives parents the opportunity to save the reports digitally as well as helping the environment. In addition, parents and students will still be able to access a digital copy of their report via the Parent Portal. The reports are not scheduled to be completed until the final week of Term 4. Please contact the administration office if you are unable to receive the report electronically and a paper copy of the report will be mailed to you at the end of the year.

Uniform Reminder - Hats

We have recently noticed that students have not been wearing their College hats consistently at College. Our College Uniform code states on pg 54 of the Parent and Student Handbook: When wearing Summer Uniform, “All students must wear their College approved hat to and from College, at recess and lunch for outdoor activities”. Our expectations are that students comply with this policy as it protects them from the harsh sun and potential skin issues later on in life. We thank you for your support in this matter.

Parent Portal changes

Within the Parent Portal, there is a number of new functions available for parents to improve the flow of communication between the College and Parents. Some of the new functions include:

  • Viewing College notices each week about upcoming events
  • Parents being able to grant permission for events (eg excursions) online. Please familiarise yourself with this function as we transition to parent online permission this term.

In addition, there are a number of instructions including screenshots of how to use the various Parent Portal functions. Please click on the link below that will take you to the instructions on how to access and use the Parent Portal.


Forms available on College website

There are a number of forms that you can access on the College website. Please click on the link below to access the following forms:

  • Extended leave form
  • Exemption application form
  • Assessment Extension Application – Years 7-10
  • Assessment Extension Application – Years 11-12
  • Assessment Task – Misadventure/Illness Form – Years 11-12


Carpark - drop off and pick up reminders

There is a lot of congestion in the Flynn Avenue Carpark of a morning from 7.40 am onwards as well as during the afternoons during pick up time. Please read below the drop off and pick up arrangements to assist in the improvement of the flow of traffic. More detailed information about transport related information can be found on our website by clicking on the link below.


Morning Drop off

  • All cars using Flynn Avenue will access the College via Gate 3 only
  • Cars may then turn left or right to either of the two 'set down and pick up zones'. You may be directed by a staff member to go left or right to help with the flow of traffic. Please fill up all the spaces in the drop off/pick up zones to maximise the number of students being dropped off.
  • Cars will then exit through Gates 2 or 4

Afternoon Pick up Arrangements – Years 10-12 – Turn left only

  • All cars using Flynn Avenue will access the College via Gate 3 only
  • For students in Years 10-12, cars must turn left to the 'set down and pick up zone' in front of N Block.
  • Cars will then exit through Gate 2 only
  • Please note the carpark opens from 2:30 pm only

Afternoon Pick Up Arrangements – Years 7-9 – Turn right only

  • All cars using Flynn Avenue will access the College via Gate 3 only
  • For students in Years 7-9, cars must turn right to the 'set down and pick up zone' in front of J Block.
  • Cars will then exit through Gate 4 only
  • Please note the carpark opens from 2:30 pm only

Where your family spans multiple year groups, you should use the 'pick up zone' of the eldest child.

Staff will be available to assist with traffic flow and we ask that you follow their directions.

No Senior School students are to be picked up in the front of the Administration Building.

Lines of Communication

If you need to contact the College, we would encourage you to use the following lines of communication that will assist you in speaking with the right person to resolve any enquiry/concern you may have as quickly as possible.

I encourage parents to keep the College informed of anything that you feel may impact your child’s performance or behaviour at the College so that we can support and assist them.

“then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. 3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” Philippians 2:2-4

Mr Hugh Renshaw
Acting Head of Senior School