We saw 115 Years 4, 5 and 6 students head down to the national park at Deer Park Port Hacking for JAM Camp. The camp involved a number of different activities including 4 excellent Bible-based talks delivered by Dan from Crusaders.

I think that it is fair to say that the students in attendance had a wonderful time. It was a chance to experience camp life and many enjoyed the activities such as Archery, Swimming, Catapult making and billy cart making. During free time across the weekend, we got a chance to swim and use the large slide.

One of the highlights from the weekend was seeing students serve across the weekend. They did this in several ways including singing and playing musical instruments, participating in orderlies and doing the pack up duties. There was a sense of helpfulness about the camp all weekend and students willingly volunteered for those activities and we were never short of having an army of willing volunteers.

By the end of the weekend, as parents came to pick their students, I believe they could all see what a wonderful time they had by being involved in JAM Camp 2019.

Mr Luke Sale
Deputy Head of Junior School - Welfare & Operations