Congratulations to the Class of 2019 who graduated last Friday.  The assembly was a wonderful time to celebrate and reflect on the students' years at the College.  There were many fond memories shared with important and encouraging words from our Principal, Mr Ross Whelan, the Year 12 Year Advisor, Mr Jonathan Howe and the College Captains. 

Rev Luther Symons, from Hope Anglican Church, Leppington brought an encouraging message entitled 'Thankful' from Luke 17:11-19.  There were some excellent performances from some of our Year 12 music students.  A special part of the Assembly included our Prep students singing an item, 'Great Big God,' and the students left through a Guard of Honour by our Kindergarten students.  This year we had our inaugural Prep students graduate as part of the Class of 2019.  Mrs Sue Hewson who was their first teacher in 2006 was also honoured for her contributions to the College over the past 20 years as she retires at the end of this year.  A lovely morning tea was provided which was prepared by our Food Technology students and staff.  It certainly was a very special day for the whole College Community.

We wish our Year 12 students well and we continue to pray for them as they now go on to prepare for their HSC Examinations. We wish each and everyone one of them much success in their future endeavours and pursuits.