It has been a momentous effort by many teachers and parents in the Junior School but in particular I wanted to highlight what this means for our students that perform.
- It is often what makes the experience of a child’s school matter, to have a moment where all their hard work and dedication pays off. Over the last two weeks it has been plain to see that moment happen for many of our students.
- Creative Arts also often lets students who are more creative shine in a way that may well be a challenge in their day to day school life.
I wanted to also briefly mention just how important it is in promoting a sense of community amongst parents, students and teachers. It is an event that brings people together and it has been a real pleasure to be part of it.
We have a few photos in another section of the newsletter so be sure to check them out.
Next week things won’t slow down at the College as we will be having Grandparent’s Day on Friday 6 September. There will be an opportunity for some morning tea, an assembly (with an assortment of Musical Items) and a chance to visit the classrooms of all students.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Mr Luke Sale
Deputy Head of Junior School - Welfare & Operations