It was great to see many of our students deep in conversation with leaders and also students from some of the many other schools also attending. This particular Expo has been running for many years and it draws a significant and comprehensive offering of training for Career pathways. It is superbly presented with excellent stalls and hands on samples of work and exercises to allow a fair experience of what to expect when committing to an area of study.  

In addition to the displays there were also workshops on various topics such as how to become a doctor, digital futures and tips for the HSC in various subject areas. It is events such as these that give students a graphic experience of what is up ahead and where they fit into the wider scheme of things with students across Australia searching for the right pathways forward.  It certainly motivates towards drawing up a shortlist of vital actions to maximize appropriate Career Search initiatives.  Parents should engage their children in conversation about such priorities and the Expo displays that sparked ideas going forward.

Our students were very neatly presented, well behaved and came away with vast quantities of hand outs and pamphlets full of possibilities.  Now it is important to review these and use online sites to pursue further specific events and information. In particular, the College open days coming up in the next few months are well worth visiting.  They are clearly advertised on the website for each College.

Mr Jim Ward
Careers Advisor