“Please take that phone down to the office and give it over to the office staff and pick it up at the end of the day” the teacher stated calmly but, firmly.


“Do that now please! You know the College policy.”

The student’s shoulders visibly slumped as she moved off in the direction of the office.

This fictional scenario is a reflection of how important technology has become for our young people. To be cut off from technology is, ‘almost life threatening’. Of course, we understand that this is not the case, but their typical response is one of deep conviction on their part and illustrates the depth of their feeling around technology and its’ importance in their lives.

In the past issue of The Way I alluded to the issues around such areas of cyber safety in a world that includes an increase incidence of cyber bullying, gaming addiction, excessive online use and cyber porn. Many of us feel ill equipped to engage with these challenges at a time when these areas are having a significant impact upon our young people.

Let me recommend a recent article from, The Southern Cross magazine, written by Simone Boswell (accessed via the link: http://bit.ly/THACsos.) The essence of the article offers some very sound advice in approaching technology and its’ use. This article covers key areas such as: balance and boundaries in using technology; discernment of the content; how technology is affecting relationships; time spent online each day; the development of character etc… The article is not saying that technology is evil and to be avoided at all costs. Boswell provides a good balance from a firm biblical perspective which helps to support parents and empower our students/ children towards safe practices and habits around the use of technology. Boswell argues, quite rightly, that the Bible encourages parents and teachers to ‘love, discipline, teach, guide, protect, nurture and develop our children’. All of these responsibilities have eternal consequences, so this is not small task. If you have time, I would encourage you access the article online via the link provided.

Through the remainder of the year we have planned a number of events in which some special guests will address students and parents on the following topics:

  • Healthy Digital Habits       
  • Social Media by Stealth, Minimise Risk/ Danger Zone.

These sessions will be targeted at students, but there is a plan to run a special session for parents - the first event is scheduled for Thursday 15 August 2019. 

At this time of the year staff and students are busy completing assessments, tests and examinations as our teachers endeavour to give parents an accurate report back on their child’s performance.

Please pray for us as we move towards the final weeks of term.

Proverbs 1:8-9  Listen, my son, to your father's instruction, and do not forsake your mother's instruction, for they are a graceful garland for your head and pendants for your neck.