So far Year 10 students have selected diverse and fascinating work experience opportunities.  They include: Real Estate, Hair Dressing, Engineering, Defence Force Deployments, Primary School Teaching, Plumbing, Legal work, City Council Office functions, Woolworths, Chemist Shops, Computing and also work in a Museum.  One student has been accepted by the Defence Workshop in Townsville NQ to work on heavy vehicles.  We will be following the adventures of these students with great interest and PC teachers will be supporting and encouraging them.  It is important that each student reflects on the experience and a record booklet has been prepared to assist them with this.  They will also be given an evaluation report from the Employer after the experience and this will provide useful feedback and encouragement.  It is vital to keep such documents as these safe as they can be used to support future training and job applications.

The display options at the Expo Experience are vast and many students get very good ideas for both Careers and the pathways available to get there.  Also they can meet staff involved in teaching and promoting career opportunities and this really is the best kind of input to the important decisions that are needed in the near future.  What is not often realised is that the entry ticket for the Expo experience is also valid for the following weekend so students can return free and dig even deeper into areas just glimpsed in the first visit.  Parents can attend with them and this could prove very useful. 

Careers Advisor Mr Jim Ward attends all of the senior parent teacher evenings and is available for interviews on request in the Careers Interview Room in the IRC.  You are invited to seek advice if you would like to explore future opportunities with him.  This can be arranged by students directly or email him on [email protected] 

Mr Jim Ward
Careers Advisor