Josie and Courtney open up every Thursday and Friday morning from 7:30 to 9:30am.  Why not enjoy a morning coffee and a chat next time you are doing the morning drop off.  

Term 2 is the Athletic’s Season for the College.  Senior School students travelled to Campbelltown Sports last Monday for the College Championships.  Several records were broken and the house spirit was enthusiastic and loud.  We are looking forward to the Junior School Carnival at Campbelltown Athletics Stadium on Thursday 13 June.  These events are great spectacles and very enjoyable for our students.  To make things even better our own Greenkeeper, Mr Jason Swan and the Grounds Team have marked out an Athletics track on the new oval.  We’ve added a photo for your information. 

The Government education authority is NESA – The NSW Education Standards Authority.  Part of their role is to grant Registration and Accreditation for independent schools following an inspection once every 5 years.  The inspection includes a review of curriculum; an accreditation focus for staff; an examination of key policies like child protection, attendance or complaints handling.    During this last week as a final stage in our inspection, Officers from NESA attended the College.  We have been granted our 5 year approvals once again.  On your behalf I will thank the staff involved in this process.

It’s a testing world we live in isn’t it?  The NAPLAN tests were held last week around the nation.  While you may have heard of technical difficulties, our experience was calm.  We will be able to speak to you about NAPLAN outcomes in a short time.  Senior School mid-term examinations are being held now ahead of end of semester reports in both Junior and Senior School.

Thanks for your continued support of the College and our programs.  See you soon for a coffee in the MRK!

“……be at peace among yourselves. And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all." 1 Thessalonians 5:13-14