We are still seeking families who are interested in hosting students from Takyamamura Junior High School. Hosting students will provide your family with an amazing intercultural experience. We have always had such positive feedback from College families who have hosted and it is a vital part of our Japanese language program within the College community. The Japanese students are here to experience Australian culture and our style of family life, as well as expand their grasp of the English language.
Takayamumura Junior High School will stay with us from Friday 2 August to Tuesday 6 August. As the students are of a younger age (Years 7 – 9), we are asking for two students to be hosted by each family.
Anyone who is interested can come and pick up a form from Mrs Byrne or Miss Raft in the P Block Staffroom or from the front office and join in the fun. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Byrne at [email protected]