The partnership between school and home is very important so meeting the teachers and understanding what the expectations are for the year is a great foundation for success. It is pleasing to see many parents checking into the Seesaw platform and seeing what is happening for your child in the classroom. At the moment we are all learning and developing how to best use Seesaw so teachers are working through what to post, how to post it and when. There is an ability for parents to comment on the posts but we will not be using that function initially as we are all learning how to use it. Enjoy seeing the snapshots from the classroom!

Class parent meetings have also been held this week and I would like to thank everyone who has volunteered their time to be part of building the College community together. The aim of the network is to welcome and grow our community, to be involved in events, focus groups and to be inclusive to all parents. It was lovely to see parents gathering together over coffee in the MRK café last week, what a great place for parents to connect!

This week has been the week for babies in the Junior school. Mrs Wheeler had a baby boy on Monday 25 February. Congratulations to her and her husband Scott on the safe arrival of Arlen. We are also farewelling Mrs Robinson as she begins her maternity leave and wish her and Mr Robinson well as they await their baby.