The Junior Swimming Carnival was held on a sunny day at Prairiewood Leisure Centre on Thursday 14 February. 

All students had an opportunity to have a go, with children entering 50m, 25m or novelty events. 

It was fantastic to see everyone cheering their house on and doing their best. 

The 25m races were very popular and student in the novelty events had lots of fun with Mrs. Morris and Mrs Brown.

The relays are always a highlight to finish the day, and the grandstand was alive with cheering for the swimmers in the water. 

A big thank you to all the parents who assisted at the carnival and special thanks to Mr Weir, Mr Fox and the Secondary PASS students, who eagerly assisted on the day.  They did an excellent job encouraging the Juniors and helping where needed. 

Congratulations to CARMICHAEL house who won the overall House Point competition at the Carnival.

The results were;

1st –        Carmichael                            1293 points                     2nd –         Liddell                               1122 points                       

3rd –        Lewis                                     1028 points                    4th –          Wilberforce                        787 points


8 years Jessica A Jonah I
9 years Christina C Cameron B
10 years Davina I Eason M
11 years Emily A Maxwell C
12 years Lucia G Brodie V

Names of students who will compete at the NASSA carnival are printed on the Sports noticeboard.  We wish them all the best as they represent the College on Tuesday 26 February.

Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator