There are many ensembles, including chapel and concert bands, to take part in that to list them all and their impact would take far too long.

In 2019, Year 6 are exploring Ukulele, EDM, Percussion and Tuned Instruments. This is an exciting time to be in this year group and will prepare students well for Year 7 Music.

We realise there are music costs, but it is such a worthwhile investment and commitment of time. Recently, Mrs Hobbins directed me to a great article by Dr Kraus, Professor of Auditory Neuroscience:

…“A common argument against daily music education is that it takes time away from teaching fundamentals such as reading and math. But evidence shows that music training actually improves children’s reading and math skills, suggesting that it can pay dividends in more traditional academic domains.”

Whilst it can take time away, it can further students as a whole person as well as assist their reading and maths skills. It’s incredible the feedback I get from Year 4 band each year. One parent couldn’t believe how much it produced a more focused attitude in their child.

With this many opportunities at Thomas Hassall, it shouldn’t be thought of should I get involved, but instead how do I get involved at the College. Be part of a vibrant, positive and harmonious community and see your child flourish.

Thank you for your support of the Music program and do not hesitate to contact [email protected] if you need further help in getting your child playing and engaging in Music.

Mr Nick Lane
Creative Arts Coordinator