A special welcome to all our new families across the College, it is wonderful to see the students settle so well into their new setting. Our Kindergarten classes are busy learning what school is all about, I have watched them doing counting activities, reading stories and even learning how to take photos on the ipad! Our Preps are also settling well, still a few tears as they adjust to saying goodbye but it is not long until all are busy with lots of energy and imagination. The rest of the College has had a very smooth start and the children are excited and enthusiastic for learning.

I would also like to welcome our new teaching staff to Thomas Hassall, Miss Luckman on Year 3 and Miss Wotton on Year 5. Mrs Wheeler has started maternity leave this week, we wish her well as she patiently waits for the arrival of her bundle of joy. Mrs Squire has taken over the role of Deputy Head of Junior School - People & Practice and she is the best contact for any questions about learning and what is happening in the Junior school classrooms. Our teachers are focusing on developing number sense in our students to assist them as they tackle more complex maths activities.

I would like to encourage you all to come to our parent information sessions, you will not only meet your child’s teacher and hear about what is happening in each grade but you will also be taken through the two new initiatives for the College. The first is the Edumate App that will streamline communication and contact with the College. The second one is the launch of Seesaw, parents will be able to gain an insight into what is happening in the classroom through photos, work samples and notifications. This program will be replacing the red folders that come home with each child’s report and allow you to see your child’s progress across the term rather than at the end of a semester. All classes have been busy uploading things they want to share with you.

Success at school is a team effort, the teachers cannot do it without your support. We all want the best outcomes for our children so become involved, get to know your teacher and let’s solve issues together. Looking forward to a great year of learning together.