Maybe it was a dream, maybe it was real? Well, I am glad to be able to return to Thomas Hassall as the Chaplain in an acting capacity for 2019. I have known the outgoing Chaplain, Rev Stuart Tye, for a number of years. Ironically, we worked together previously. I then came here and served for 7 years from 2007 – 2013.   Reverand Tye then replaced me and after 4 years I return as he moves back to our original school. Déjà vu!

In Year 10 Christian Studies, our first lesson last week was on Who am I?, an introduction to our learning from John’s Gospel about the life of Jesus. I also shared a little about myself by way of introduction. Since 2013, I have had the opportunity to serve as Chaplain at Nowra Anglican College and also to be the Pastor of an Anglican Church. These were both enriching roles but circumstances led to me needing to return to some casual teaching last year and circumstances have enabled me to be available to return to Thomas Hassall in 2019.  I am grateful to God for his goodness and faithfulness. I have also been greatly encouraged by the growth in the College, the professionalism and care of the staff and the friendly, positive nature of the students.

As we approach the coming year, I encourage you to consider for yourself the question ‘Who is Jesus’? As a College with a Christian foundation, there are many opportunities to investigate this question. I appreciate many of you have considered this for many years, some of you know the reality of Jesus at a very personal level, and for others it is all quite new.

I hope to have the opportunity to meet you in the near future. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about the Christian faith or anything else that is on your mind.