Recently a number of our students entered the ‘Write4Fun’ competition. It is our pleasure to share that one of our very talented Year 8 students, Ashley V, has been named as a finalist for her poem ‘A Visit To My Cousin’. Ashley’s poem will be featured in the ‘Write Along’ anthology, which will be released in March 2019.

A Visit To My Cousin

Willows tendrils hover over the terse breezes
With, her silent, mourning lull.
A dreadful Cacophony of grey surrounds, my ivory friend awaits. 
Dewdrops glaze the emerald blades, blundering, soundless.
Engulfed in an ancient glow, the world ceased to loathe-self. 
Crisp moonlight stark-wrapped around limestone figures, my friends.
Orchids and chrysanthemums plead for decaying release. 
The figures twirled, crumpling against lustful reflection.
Thoughts, conscious memories teeming from their bounds like onyx mandalas.
Ghost Memories, Dead memories?
Lonesome as I saunter down the lane. Soon.
So many stones, endless, but not eternity. Soon.
But am I alone?
Because that phantom breeze knows me, speaks to me.
It flickers, to me, my soul.
I flicker back.