Earlier this term we launched the Junior School STEM Club for Years 4-6, with a regular group of students faithfully attending each week. Throughout the term, students were challenged to use the coding program, Scratch, to create their very own game.

Our last week of STEM Club was spent sharing and playing each other’s games. There was a wide range of games, with one encouraging healthy eating, another delving into the world of Harry Potter, and yet another with a football goal scoring challenge. What a talented group of students!


Some of the students reflected on what they most enjoyed about STEM Club:

I like that we get to create games and show other people what we can do. – Kendra S

I enjoyed doing the coding and coming back every week to improve on my game and make it better. In the last week I enjoyed seeing all the other games and how good they were. – Aaron D

I liked creating my own game. – Adrian Z

It was fun playing other people’s games and we got to be with our friends. – Davina I

I like that we got to be creative and could make anything up. We could see what other people enjoyed doing and what they made. – Annabel C