They really enjoy choosing something themselves and trying to keep it a secret until Father’s Day!

Gifts will be priced from $5 -25. (Please ensure your child brings in their money on the correct day to purchase a gift).

The stall will be held in the S Block Breezeway outside classroom S2.

Thursday 30 August 2018 - Prep Blue & Purple, Years 7-12 (lunchtime)
Friday 31 August - Prep Red & White, K-6, Years 7-12 (lunchtime)

We also require parent volunteers to help with gift wrapping (Tuesday 21 August) and selling the gifts at the store on the selling days.
Please email [email protected] if you can volunteer on Tuesday 21 August (8.30 – 11AM) to assist with gift wrapping or
on either stall day (30-31 August). We would really value your assistance even if it's for an hour.

Mrs Carmen Pasapera
Marketing & Community Relations Manager