This competition allows students to compete against other schools in a range of sports. It is paramount that each student attends training with their coach to refine their skills and team strategies. Below indicates the time and location of each training session.

Team Sport Teacher Training Time Location
Year 7 Boys Soccer Wee, Newmarch Monday 2.45 - 3.45pm Top Oval
Year 7 Girls Netball Mugridge, Hanna Tuesday 7.15 - 7.50am Quad
Year 8 Boys Soccer M. Driscoll, Makko No training due to TAP N/A
Year 8 Girls Netball A. Driscoll, Furley Monday Lunch  Quad
Year 8-9 Boys Oz Tag Tran, Nguyen Tuesday 2.45 - 3.45pm Oval
Year 8-9 Girls Oz Tag Friel, Strong Thursday Lunch Oval
Year 10-12 Girls Soccer Howard Monday Lunch Oval
Year 10-12 Boys Volleyball Schrack Tuesday 12.30-1pm MISA
Year 10-12 Girls Volleyball Renshaw Tuesday 12.30-1pm MISA
U15's Boys Rugby League Tye, Williams Monday 2.45-3.45pm Oval

Miss Lisa Close
Senior School Sports Coordinator