It was very heartening to talk to our College Captains about how the students could together support a cause close to their hearts. Cancer has touched so many lives in the College. We have lost grandparents, parents and some students to cancer so helping them fundraise to find a cure for Brain Cancer was very important to them. The Captains asked if we could have a beanie day across the College and we saw this as a perfect opportunity to encourage serving others in a practical way. The Captains spoke to the Junior Assembly to promote the cause. Thank you to the many students and staff who got behind the cause and raised over $1800 for the Mark Hughes Foundation.

There are many different ways to learn and one of the most effective is to involve the children in a variety of memorable experiences that reinforce the learning in an engaging way. This week our students participated in the Cinco De Mayo Fiesta where they were immersed in the Mexican culture, dressing up, sharing food, making instruments, learning dances and having a wonderful time. This reinforces the learning of the Spanish language.  The children were so engaged and loved the activities as did the many parents who came to support.

Technology in the classroom is used effectively in so many ways. Yesterday Kindergarten were using Ipads to reinforce their learning of Mathematical concepts while other grades using Skype with an author to assist with their writing skills. These are activities that wouldn’t have been possible in years gone by. We also had all our Year 3 and 5 students complete the NAPLAN tests online for the first time, this is a positive step forward. Technology as a tool supports learning in so many ways and gives our students amazing opportunities to be creative, connected and informed.