We have participated in a number of amazing community events over the past week.  We have joined together for breakfast with the parents from Prep to Year 3 which enabled us to talk through issues and things happening that are important to all parents. It was a great time of sharing ideas, posing problems and looking for solutions. Traffic was certainly high on everyone’s agenda and Mr Whelan shared with the parents about a study that Year 11 students are undertaking as well as a traffic engineer to see if there are steps we may take to improve the flow of traffic around the College. You can help with this by making sure you are using the drop offs and pickup areas correctly and delaying arriving at College in the afternoon until 2.30pm. I also ask that we show patience and consideration to each other and to our neighbours.

Our first community event for the year was also a great success. Unfortunately the inclement weather meant that the 'Movie Under The Stars' became the 'Movie in the Auditorium' but that did not stop the many families who attended having a great time. The movie was a good one for all ages and it was lovely to see teachers, parents and students gathering together for a relaxed social event.

This week our focus has been on Easter. Prep to Year 4 had a great time at the annual Easter hat parade, a great tradition that saw so many amazing creations! Years 5 and 6 also amazed us with their creativity and humour as they presented their annual Eggshibition where we had a range of diaramas showing eggs in a very different light. Well done to everyone.

Easter is a very special time on the Christian calendar. In our Easter assemblies we all learnt the true meaning of Easter, that God sent his Son to die on the cross so that we might be saved from our sins. The children heard from the Bible, listened to the story being explained and were presented with a great verse from the Bible.

‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.’
John 3:16