What have you done since graduating from Thomas Hassall Anglican College? 

I have been on a number of camps, meeting new people, and catching up with friends. I've been sleeping in past 7:55am, enjoying relaxing.

What's your plan now that you have finished at Thomas Hassall Anglican College?

I'm currently at the University of Sydney studying a Bachelor of Liberal Arts, with the hope to transfer into social work next year God willing. However I have no idea what I want to do, and am hoping that an arts degree will give me an opportunity to try different things.

How has your faith in Jesus grown at the College?

My faith has grown at college through being challenged by my peers, learning that no-one is perfect, and that the HSC is not the most important thing in the world. Socially I struggled to fit in with my peers, but God helped me see that I was born to stand out.

What impact did your Christian faith have in your studies?

My faith has allowed me to know that it's ok when you fail, or don't receive the results you want. It's help me see that sometimes you'll be sitting at your desk, and not be able to absorb anything no matter how hard you try. Its taught me that no matter how hard you try, you cannot be upset with your marks when you're only doing your best, for there isn't  anything more you can do than your best. However, that does not mean we can use that as an excuse not to try, or to cruise our way through. Rather it's taught me to simple do my best, and God has the rest.

What was your parent's role in your studies?

I could talk all day about how my parents have helped me in my studies. But to sum it up would have to be with their support. My parents did nothing but encourage me, remind me, congratulate me, and tell me to simply just do my best. Knowing that they would be proud of me regardless of my results was always a comfort, so having a mentality of wanting to make them proud motivated me to do so. 

Stuart Tye
College Chaplain