It has been wonderful to see our students representing the College in a sporting event like the NASSA Swimming Carnival where our children strived to do their best. Thank you to the parents and staff who came to cheer them on. Year 4 have started learning how to play a wide range of instruments and Year 6 have enjoyed the learning experiences in Canberra. Years 5 and 6 also took part in a Cybersafety Seminar presented by Green Valley Police to help educate them on how to stay safe on line. Please take the opportunity to talk to your child about what they have learnt.

Mrs Lawler wrote last week about the importance of reading daily with your child. Everyone acknowledges that to improve in sport you need to practise. Our winter Olympians spend hours refining their skills to perform at a world class level.  Just imagine how our children’s reading skills would improve if we put the same amount of effort and dedication to that as we do to sport. The difference across a child’s school life is staggering between those who read each day and those who don’t. The graphic below shows this advantage. Imagine what a difference this could make to all our students if every family committed to devoting more time to reading!