This was a very special occasion. Year 2 were very excited as we think Mr Whelan was too.

This term, Year 2 have been looking at things from the past. What a great opportunity to find out about who Thomas Hassall was and why our College is named after him.

Mr Whelan came with dress up clothes to show what it might have been like for Thomas Hassall. We saw a book that was given to Thomas Hassall and is over 150 years old. Year 2 saw the Thomas Hassall coat of arms. This is on display for everyone to see in the reception area.

Mr Whelan showed photos of where Thomas Hassall lived; the Denbigh Estate in Cobbitty wjich is also still there today. We learnt about Anne Marsden, who married Thomas Hassall and they had 8 children.

While all of these facts where interesting and true it was Thomas Hassall’s faith in God and his passion to tell people the gospel of Jesus that sets him apart. He was affectionately called the galloping parson as he would travel along the cowpastures with his trusted horse and visited the neighbouring farms. He would travel from Goulburn to Parramatta.

Thomas Hassall was the first man to teach Sunday school in Australia. This also involved reading, writing and arithmetic. What a wonderful legacy Thomas Hassall has left behind.

Overall Year 2 left with the understanding of who Thomas Hassall was, and why our College is named after him.

Mrs Trudi Woods
Junior School Teacher - 2W